Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants

 1. According to Prensky, what category do you fall into and how has this affected your learning?

I believe that I fall into the category digital native as I had early access to the internet at a young age. Technology has always been my go to when researching or even looking up a simple question because in my opinion it is the easiest and quickest way to find your answer. It is more reflective of a native category because digital immigrants often use paper copies and more reliable sources to get information. This has affected my learning both negatively and positively because it makes it difficult if required to research something in a book, but overall I am able to find what I am looking for quickly. 

2. Kirchner some of the myths associated with Prensky's findings. One of the myths that he discusses is how being a 'digital native' doesn't necessary mean one is 'digitally literate'. What does she mean? 

Krichner addresses Prensky's idea of 'digital native' and believes that it not automatically mean that someone is 'digitally literate'. Meaning that just because someone who has grown up using mainly technology doesn't mean that they lack the skills and knowledge for learning and problem solving. My generation has grown up with technology being able to practice and explore at early stages of development, while older generations are trying to 'keep up' and teach themselves. Having access to technology does not compare to being proficient in using technology in a productive way. 


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