Online Arguments


Online arguments are generally ineffective, dangerous, and often can be very destructive depending on the argument. A perfect example of an online argument is from a former child star Amanda Bynes who regularly starts twitter feuds to gain attention even though the attention is negative. Bynes tweeted directed to Rihanna many different mean and unwanted opinions that lead to a spiral of online arguments. I chose this example because it can negatively affect how people view themselves and it proves how arguing online can become dangerous. This specific online dispute spreads misinformation about domestic violence, a negative view on addiction, and includes racism. This is concerning because this can be very destructive and these things usually are only said behind a screen, not to your face. Five rules to create a more safe online space when arguing; seek to understand the other persons viewpoint, reread your tweet/message before posting or sending, use kindness, humility, and tact, do your research before stating an opinion, and finally know when to stop. Knowing when to stop and be the bigger person is the most important thing on the internet, you win some and you lose some. Amanda Bynes had her original account taken down so there is no direct link to the argument, a screenshot of her hurtful tweets are below. 


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